Saturday, September 29, 2012

The 2013 INSEAD Social Entrepreneurship Conference in Spain!

“Technology, Innovation and Social Change”
The 2013 International Social Entrepreneurship Conference comes to Spain
Block the date: 26-27 April in Madrid

After a very successful International Social Entrepreneurship Conference in Jakarta in May, planning is underway for the 2013 International Conference. The theme of“Technology, Innovation and Social Change” will focus us on how innovative applications of technology, both high-tech and low-tech, enable social entrepreneurs to address important unmet social needs.

With more than a dozen ISEP Network members and our friends at Fundación Banesto we will have a rich blend of local talent to draw on to make this a compelling, invigorating and inspiring event. In the coming weeks you will hear more about the social entrepreneurship conference which will take place on April the 26th, as well as the reunion on the 27th and the other events surrounding our time in Madrid. So block the days on your calendar and plan to join your ISEP colleagues from 8 years of sessions in Fontainebleau and Singapore.

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